Fear Not - War

Scripture Reading - Deuteronomy 1:21 KJV

Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it, as the LORD God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged.

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we will continue in our “Fear Not” series. In a previous lesson we highlighted the fact that worry comes from fear. If we can remove the fear from the situation, event, circumstance, sickness, government, leadership, person, etc. . . we will also remove the worry associated with that fear. Thank God through Jesus Christ we can remove the fear. According 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love but perfect (mature, sincere, pure, untainted) love casts out fear.” In another previous lesson we mentioned that we don’t need to fear protection primarily for two reasons: one - God is always with us and two - The Lord’s ministering spirits known as angels of God are encamped round about us continuously. The key is knowing divine help is always available and acknowledging God in all our ways so He can direct our paths. In a previous lesson we looked at not fearing a lack of provision because you are a child of God. Yes your Heavenly Father greatly delights in you because He loves you so much. His desire is to not only feed you naturally but His Will is that you are well feed both spiritually and physically having more than what you need for that specific meal. In another previous lesson we discussed not fearing the curse(s) of the Law because The Blessing(s) of God are promised to the children of God. Yes, in Christ Jesus we are redeemed from the curses of the Law. The Blessing is twofold: 1) - We inherited all The Blessings of the Law as children of God while at the same time 2) - We were (and are) promised complete deliverance from all the curses of the Law, so there is no need to fear. We also shared about not fearing relocation because God is with us and we can communicate with God anything and everything that concerns us. In today’s lesson we will highlight not fearing “war”. Now we know that that sounds like a mouth full but broken up into bite sized pieces makes it very digestible. Let us talk a little about this topic to encourage our faith. Typically, when there is a “war” engaged it is expected that some people fighting in the “war” will lose their life, some will say many will die depending upon the length of the “war” and the size of the “war”. While this is generally true in the natural realm we must focus our attention on the supernatural side of the equation for God’s Peace. First question, “Is God with you?” If you are a born-again Child of God, a Christian the answer is yes! God is with us all the time and everywhere we go so we can discuss what concerns we have in our heart with Him. First thing you want to establish in your heart is can God give me divine protection during the war? The correct answer for the born-again Believer is “Yes and Amen!” It is God’s will to provide divine protection to all His Children while they are on the earth. Therefore start confessing that, “God is my protector and the comfort of my heart.” He (The Lord) gives me peace”. This is only true for the believer so those without God will not allow God to help them so this article won’t work for everybody but it does assuredly work for the Christian and it works for the Children of Israel who partake of the Abrahamic Covenant. Yes, Jews who take this divine promise of protection to heart and believe in it will be protected by God it is only those who don’t believe in God’s plan to protect man that the promise is not fulfilled upon them. For the Christian the very word used to describe our conversion “Salvation” implies that God’s Will is for us live upon the earth in victory and only experience death at the end of our days. The end of our days is seventy years old or older since the scripture states in Psalms 90:10a KJV, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, . . .” A score is 20 so three score years is 60 years plus ten years gives us a total of 70 years. Yes, this confirms the fact that God doesn’t want us to die prematurely, so lets firmly believe that God keeps me and my family safe before, during and after war. Dear, beloved Child of God this is not some phony reality show on TV or the Internet, no this is real life and available to every believer. We see this worked out (fulfilled) numerous times in the Holy Bible. Just look at Hebrews chapter 11 verses 29 to consider the Israelites victory over Pharaoh and the Israelites didn’t even have an army because the Lord fights our battles. Hebrews chapter 11 verse 30 proclaims how the walls of Jericho fell down giving the Israelites victory with an army to slay and gather up the spoils. Hebrews chapter 11 verse 31 Rahab receives deliverance from death in war because she was on God’s side. Hebrews chapter 11 verse 32 and 33 speaks of several leaders who obtained victory in war by not only winning the war but being alive once the war was completed. These are just a few examples in the Old Testament covering the servants of God how much more as a Child of God in Christ Jesus do we have complete divine protection provided by God. Yes, we (ihlcc) have heard of many military soldiers who were believing God for divine protection testify how God saved their life (protected them) during an actual battle. The question is never can God protect me but rather, “Am I believing God for divine protection right now?” If the answer is “no” start believing for divine protection right now. For today is the day of our “Salvation” and now is the time for our “Salvation (divine protection)”. When we are discussing “war” it is imperative that you and I (we) pray for peace. Don’t always pray for this nation or the other nation to win because there could be some cases where we just don’t know all the details of what caused the “war” or what the “war” is all about. If we lack detailed information about the “war” it is harder to understand what the “war” is all about. Thus pray, “God thy will concerning this “war” be done on earth as it is in Heaven” and see if the Lord leads you toward one of the nations or if He leads you to pray about a certain principle. This comment is made for praying against “wars” outside of America and Israel. In other words, pray God’s Word and pray in tongues concerning “wars” and conflicts involving nations. Also, we (ihlcc) must state when believing God for divine protect hearing God’s voice is very important because there may be times when the Lord will specifically direct your path a different way. Yes, hearing and obeying God’s divine guidance could mean the difference between staying alive or being caught in a death trap. Therefore, dear Child of God choose Life and Divine Protection by choosing to not fear “war” in Jesus Name, the Name of above all names and our Victory and Champion in “war”. We must choose to Plead the Blood of Jesus over our everyday life and daily confess the complete 91st Psalm. Please walk (live) your talk and you will see the “Salvation” (Divine Protection) of the Lord God Almighty. “Amen!”